A beautiful Sunday morning. I am so excited because I have a veterinarian and his family (my BFF) coming to stay with us before their vacation. (maybe he can teach me something about ducks since he grew up on a farm). I go out back and start cleaning off the patio and the patio table. I noticed that Speck, Runtie's sister who has been on a nest in my yard for 2+ weeks is not on her nest. I kept hosing & looking up and down the canal. No sign of her. I moved to another area of the patio and start seeing feathers, lots of feathers. I follow them and down along the fence is Speck. She had the same fate as Runtie. It's bad. I ran and got my husband. We wrapped her in a towel and buried her next to Runtie. What about the eggs????? :(
Canadian Goose here......
You have done a super job in raising the 12 ducklings. Now they must learn to fend for themselves and swim in the canal without YOU. How will we ever get this job completed? TOUGH LOVE, I guess.
Stay tuned Canadian Goose! I'm getting there! Thanks for stopping by! :)
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