Porsche's Home!

Good news! She's out of the hospital!

It was so busy at the Wildlife Center, I didn't think to take a picture when they first handed her to me.

I drove home with the A/C off, and was a wet dripping mess by the time we got here. I swear that duck pooped the entire trip in the car. How many ducks get to go for a ride in the car?? Scared shitless comes to mind! :)

I took her out back and her sister was sitting under the patio table. When I opened the cage to let her out, Ellen attacked her! It was AWFUL! I picked Ellen up and tossed her over the fence. Porsche hobbled into the yard and flew away. She was out of sight for about 3 hours.

She's still waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the canal, but I did finally get some pictures of her. She's free. 

She's in God's hands now. The Humans have done all they can.

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